Car Accident Atlanta



Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer

At Zdrilich Injury Law, we know that dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can be overwhelming physically, financially, and emotionally. Our expert team of car accident lawyers in Atlanta provides top-notch legal representation and guidance for victims of auto accidents. With years of experience handling successful car accident cases, our unwavering dedication achieves the best possible outcome for our clients.

How Common Are Car Accidents in Atlanta?

Atlanta is known for its thriving culture, expanding growth, and, sadly, its heavy traffic conditions. According to Forbes, Atlanta ranks 16th out of 50 large American cities for “dangerous driving.” The city’s dense population and presence of I-75 with thousands of travelers make road safety a major concern here. 

As a consequence, car
accidents are common here. The exact numbers may fluctuate, but according to the Georgia DOT, thousands of incidents occur each year, ranging from minor fender benders to deadly pile-ups. 

These accidents have a profound impact on the victims. Beyond the physical injuries, there are also unseen emotional and psychological effects. The economic devastation can be profound when medical costs, lost wages, and higher insurance rates are factored in.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Atlanta

With its busy streets and ever-growing population, Atlanta’s traffic complexities are not going away any time soon. Understanding what causes accidents can help drivers avoid their likelihood. 

Hazardous Road Conditions

Heavy rain, occasional ice storms, scorching sun in heavy traffic, and construction sites all contribute to dangerous roads. When drivers don’t adjust their behaviors to account for treacherous conditions, bad things happen.


Despite laws against texting and driving, it is still all too common. Drivers can be seen texting, video chatting, or even browsing social media while behind the wheel. Distracted driving removed focus from the road, sometimes with deadly consequences.

Drunk Driving

We all know someone who drove after too many alcoholic drinks. Many times that person is lucky not to have injured themselves or others while committing a DUI offense. Others have not been so fortunate.


Many drivers justify driving at high speeds because they’re busy. But speeding reduces your ability to steer around sudden obstacles or stop when approaching congestion on the freeway. The results can be devastating for everyone involved, including the perpetrator.

What to Do at the Scene of a Car Accident

Remain Calm

The immediate aftermath of a car accident can be chaotic and surreal. However, it's crucial to remain calm and assess the situation. Check yourself and any passengers for injuries. Your safety and the safety of others is priority number one. If anyone is injured, call 911 immediately. Even if the accident seems minor, it's a good idea to call the police to request an official report, which is critical for insurance claims and legal purposes.

Move to a Safe Location

If no one is seriously injured and the accident is minor, move your vehicles to the side of the road. If a car cannot be moved, turn on the hazard lights. If you’re on a busy roadway and your car can’t be moved, stay inside with your seatbelt on until help arrives.

Gather Information

Once everyone is safe, get contact details from the other driver/drivers, including names, addresses, phone numbers, license numbers, insurance information, license plate numbers, and vehicle details. Try to get witness contact information as well, as they may have photos or video of the incident.

Take Photos & Video of the Scene

With your phone, take detailed, high-resolution photos of the scene, involved vehicles, and relevant road signs and traffic signals. Visual evidence carries weight in the claim process and can be a game-changer in court.

Avoid Admitting Fault

Most people are apologetic in a high-stress situation. But it’s important not to admit any wrongdoing or take the blame at this juncture, as it may complicate your claim and even be used against you during legal proceedings.

File a Report

If an accident causes significant damage, injuries, or death, many states require you to file an accident report. Even if it isn’t mandatory, it is wise. An official report can be helpful when battling with insurers.

Call Your Insurer

Your insurance company must be made aware of the accident as soon as possible. Give them all the documentation you’ve gathered, including photos or videos. Your agent will guide you through the following steps regarding vehicle repairs and handling medical costs.

Get Follow-Up Medical Attention

Injuries after a car accident can sometimes manifest several hours or even days later. Even if you feel fine, it’s a good idea to get a medical assessment. Medical professionals are trained to detect hidden physical damage and begin the necessary treatments. This will help you recover faster and provide detailed documentation of any injuries caused by the accident.

Why Contacting a Car Accident Attorney Is Essential

Emotions can run high immediately following a car crash. You may be dealing with injuries, property damage, insurance claims, and legal hassles. This storm of stress can be overwhelming. That’s when it’s wise to get help from an experienced car accident attorney in Atlanta. Their experience and expertise can guide you through the aftermath smoothly.

Your attorney can help you understand your rights after a vehicle accident. A car accident lawyer specializes in this legal discipline and has in-depth knowledge of the laws applicable to your case. They can inform you about what to expect from the process and all the potential outcomes. 

Dealing with stubborn insurance companies is something no one dreams of doing. Adjusters are coached to minimize payouts whenever possible. Without legal representation, your settlement could be less than fair. With the help of a legal expert, you can have peace of mind knowing they will fight for your right to adequate financial compensation to cover all your losses.

A vehicle accident attorney in Atlanta can also accurately assess the value of your claim, including lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, and even emotional trauma. Your losses will be calculated, and a claim will be pursued that helps you move forward.

In some instances, your case may end up in court. If that’s the situation, you need legal representation by an attorney familiar with your case and the circumstances. To prepare for court, your attorney will conduct a rigorous investigation, call expert witnesses, and present a compelling case on your behalf. Having a car accident lawyer at this juncture can be the difference between a successful case and a disappointing outcome.

No one ever talks about the emotional and psychological aftermath of a car accident, but it is very real. Having an experienced lawyer take on the legal details allows you to focus on recovery. Your lawyer will deal with the insurers and opposing counsel and submit all required documents to the court.

Some victims worry about the cost of hiring an attorney. But many car accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case. This arrangement not only motivates them to do extraordinary work, but it also eases their financial anxiety. 

To sum up, the aftermath of an accident can be challenging for anyone. Hiring a qualified attorney gives you the support and legal guidance you need to seek and obtain the restitution you deserve.

Is It Worth Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer?

Imagine you’ve suffered injuries in a nasty car accident that wasn’t your fault. You are in constant pain from your injuries and see various medical professionals for treatment. This means you can’t work, and the bills are piling up. This can also cause emotional and psychological stress in the home. Add to that the property loss. Now imagine arguing with insurance companies who don’t want to pay you a fair amount to get back on track.

This leads to the pertinent question: Is it worth hiring a car accident lawyer?

The answer is an emphatic yes! In fact, hiring a car accident specialist with personal injury savvy can make all the difference in getting your life back on track. They expertly navigate the legal system, are astute negotiators, and are powerful allies in court. They won’t rest until you are made whole.

As your case proceeds and you end up in a courtroom, how will you fare on your own? Most people don’t understand legalese and become quite confused. That’s where your vehicle accident attorney Atlanta clarifies everything for you so you know what’s happening. This legal guidance is invaluable, especially when you’re still reeling from physical and financial problems.

Your attorney will also refuse a weak settlement from the insurance company. Whereas some clients may be tempted to accept just to have the whole situation end, your attorney will use their knowledge of the law to secure a settlement appropriate for the damages suffered. Insurers fight tooth and nail to pay as little as possible, but your lawyer will fight to get what’s fair for the victim.

Another situation where having an attorney is crucial is shared fault. In many cases, car accident fault isn’t clear-cut, and proving negligence becomes quite complicated. Your car accident lawyer will gather and analyze evidence, such as police reports, video, photos, and witness statements, to build a strong case.

Your legal representative can also keep things calm during a highly emotional period. Crash victims often make snap decisions on the fly that aren’t beneficial to their situation. Having an attorney helps you stay objective and make rational, rather than emotional, decisions.

To conclude, the decision to hire an attorney after a car accident will depend on your circumstances, but the benefits are obvious. From explaining the legal process and minutiae of injury law to fighting for fair compensation for all damages, your lawyer is the compassionate, methodical advocate you need at such a volatile time.

How a Car Accident Attorney Helps You Win

Negotiation Expertise

Accident attorneys deal with hardline insurers every day. They know all the tricks and can anticipate their next move. While insurance companies love to deny payouts, your lawyer knows your rights and the law. This knowledge counteracts the tactics these companies use and empowers them to negotiate effectively on your behalf. Your attorney can secure a fair settlement and, in many cases, far above and beyond what you expected. In short, an experienced lawyer will make a big difference in the outcome of your case.

Proving Liability

Now let’s talk about what really matters in an accident claim: proof. Without proving liability, you have no case. Discovering who was at fault in an accident requires a meticulous examination of the evidence, including accident reports, witness testimony, and possibly accident reconstruction. Your attorney has the resources to gather and analyze the evidence and build a strong case for negligence. Without proving negligence and liability, you won’t win your claim. This is where an attorney becomes not a luxury; but a necessity.

Assessing Your Damages

Accident victims are often unaware of the damages they can claim after a car accident. Compensation is available above and beyond your medical bills. You can seek damages for losing your job, the pain and suffering of life-altering injuries, emotional distress, PTSD, as well as the potential for future medical costs. Your vehicle accident attorney in Atlanta will comprehensively review all your damages and file a claim to cover all your current and future needs.

Representation in Court

While most victims like to settle out of court, there are many instances where this just isn’t possible. Without a fair, realistic settlement, a lawsuit becomes unavoidable. If your case goes to court, your attorney becomes the avenger you need to set things right. They prepare a rock solid case and present it in court on your behalf. Their familiarity with courtroom procedures and insurance company tricks work in your favor. Their presence can significantly influence the outcome of your case and make sure your arguments are heard and understood by the court.

Peace of Mind

Peace of mind while you’re recovering from a car accident is priceless. This is what your lawyer can do for you during what is undoubtedly a traumatic experience. Just knowing that you have a legal expert working on your case puts your mind at ease. They keep you informed about case progress, answer all your questions, and many will make themselves available after hours for urgent matters. Having this support provides mental and emotional relief that is critical to your recovery.

All the practical functions provided by a car accident lawyer Atlanta will help you get through this unfortunate period of your life in better shape than you would be without help. From dealing with insurers to negotiating fair settlements and presenting evidence in court, your lawyer has your back like no one else can.

Car Accident Insurance & Investigations Explained

Understanding Car Accident Insurance

Car accident insurance is a mandatory component of car ownership. It is designed to protect financially against physical and property damage after collisions. In short, it’s the built-in safety net we all need, so we don’t have to bear the heavy financial weight of damages alone. Specific policies can vary, and drivers have many options for coverage limits, deductible amounts, and types of incident protection. Regularly reviewing your policy and coverage is highly advised to make sure you have the details in place before an accident happens. 

Policies generally cover liability, property damage, and bodily injury. Under property damage, repair or replacement of vehicles is covered. Bodily injury coverage takes care of medical costs, missed work, lost employment, and other personal injury expenses. Liability is different in that it covers costs resulting from injuries and damage you cause others.

The Role of Investigations in Car Accident Insurance

The insurance company will initiate an investigation following a car accident claim to determine the facts, assess liability, and learn the extent of damages and injuries. Their conclusion will govern how they respond to the claim, decide who was at fault, and what damages they will cover.

Step 1: Reporting the Accident

The accident investigation starts when it is reported to the insurance company. As a policyholder, you are expected to report the incident as soon as possible to give a detailed account, including when, where, and how, and any damages or injuries were sustained.

Step 2: Assessing the Claim

Once the report is filed, your insurer will assign a claims adjuster to the case. Their role is to accumulate information by reviewing police reports, talking with witnesses, assessing vehicle damage, and evaluating injuries. This information will determine who the adjuster believes was at fault and the extent of the company’s liability.

Step 3: Evaluating Damages

The claims adjuster will go over any vehicles involved with expert eyes to determine the extent of damage. Vehicle inspection happens in person or by reviewing auto repair shop estimates. If there were injuries, the adjuster may also review medical records, speak with medical professionals to get their opinion, and asses the injury’s impact on the claimant’s daily life.

Step 4: Resolution

Once the investigation is complete, your insurance company will decide about your claim. They may decide to approve it, in which case they will make a payment covering damages and injuries, or, in many cases, they will deny the claim if they suspect fraud or if your policy doesn’t cover the accident.

The Importance of Cooperation

During the investigation process, it is essential for all parties to fully cooperate with the insurance company. Give complete and accurate details, promptly comply with their documentation requests, and make yourself available for questions. Cooperating streamlines the investigation and results in a fast resolution of your claim.

Insurers are responsible for ensuring that claims are legitimate and payouts are fair. This is to protect all policyholders and prevent fraudulent claims. Investigations are a crucial step in ensuring that all parties are protected and supported.

Understanding the role of insurers in the aftermath of a car accident will alleviate unnecessary stress and confusion. Become familiar with all the steps involved for a smooth post-accident process and resolution of your claim.

What Your Car Accident Lawyer Will Prove

Only legal professionals can deftly navigate the complex landscape of accident and injury law. It can be an especially challenging experience for people with little or no knowledge of legal issues. A car accident attorney plays a vital role in this scenario, making sure victims get the compensation and fair treatment they are entitled to. Read on to learn precisely what your attorney will prove to give you a win when you need one.

Establishing Liability

One of your lawyer’s primary objectives is to prove liability. Establishing who was at fault for the accident ensures the other party is held liable. They will work to prove the other party’s negligence and failure to follow the road rules, resulting in the collision. Your lawyer will use traffic camera footage, witness statements, police reports, and possibly expert witness testimony to support your claim.

Proving Negligence

Negligence is central to most car accident claims and can sometimes be tricky to prove. Your attorney will demonstrate that the other party breached their duty of care, resulting in your damages. An extensive investigation is required to prove negligence, which involves analyzing the accident circumstances and the actions of both parties leading up to the moment it happened.

Demonstrating the Extent of Injuries and Damages

Another critical element of your lawyer’s role is meticulously documenting and demonstrating the full extent of your damages and injuries. This includes any and all losses, such as the financial impact of medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and emotional or psychological damages. Your lawyer works with medical professionals, gathering evidence of your injuries and consulting with financial experts to assess your economic damages. A thorough approach conducted by a legal professional will ensure your compensation truly reflects the accident’s impact on your life.

Overcoming Comparative Negligence Claims

In many cases, the opposing party’s legal counsel will try to argue that you are partially at fault. This is known as comparative negligence. This strategy seeks to mitigate any financial damages on their part. Your attorney will counter these claims by being well-prepared with evidence clearly establishing the other party’s responsibility. An adept car accident lawyer will always be prepared for this argument and know how to overcome it.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies

A big part of your vehicle accident lawyer’s job is wrestling with insurance companies. Insurers are laser-focused on minimizing payouts and will try to undervalue your claim. Your lawyer will argue assertively, presenting irrefutable evidence they gathered to support your case. Your lawyer will have intense discussions with adjusters, going over policy details and challenging unfair offers if necessary.

Preparing for Trial

While many car accident claims can be resolved out of court, some cases may end up going to trial. In this scenario, your attorney will work diligently to prepare a compelling case to the judge or jury. This process involves countless hours of organizing evidence, preparing witness statements, and crafting persuasive arguments showing the validity of your claim. The aim is to make the court fully understand the true extent of your losses and the other party’s fault.

To sum up, having an experienced accident attorney by your side in court will make all the difference. From establishing liability to proving negligence negotiating with insurers to prepping for trial, your car accident lawyer in Atlanta will tackle each task with dedication and professionalism. This relentless dedication will win you the restitution you are entitled to and give you peace of mind about your future.

Finding the Right Atlanta Car Accident Attorney Is Crucial

Finding the right car accident attorney to suit your specific case and your temperament is crucial to the outcome. While car accident lawyers in Atlanta are plentiful, not all have the experience, in-depth legal knowledge, or courtroom expertise to secure a successful outcome. 

It’s important for you, as a potential client, to understand why specialization matters. Not all lawyers are created equal; not all have decades of experience with personal injury law or vehicle accidents. Some have minimal courtroom experience. An expert car accident attorney will have detailed knowledge of Georgia traffic law and insurance policies and a long track record handling cases like yours. Take the time to find a car accident legal specialist with a track record of keeping client interests front and center.

Timing also plays a part when hiring an attorney. Consult with an attorney sooner rather than later. Early legal advice can save you stress and prevent costly missteps that could harm your case. During your initial consultation, ask about their experience negotiating with insurers and arguing cases in court. Ask about the comprehensive process of gathering evidence and traffic law to assess their skill level.

Client communication and synergy cannot be undervalued. If you work and communicate well with your attorney, it is definitely an advantage that saves time and stress. Open communication is paramount to an excellent attorney-client relationship. You must trust each other. Seek out an attorney whose experience and demeanor fit your own and who values keeping you informed throughout the process.

Don’t forget to vet your potential attorney. Research their successes in previous cases similar to your own. This is a good indicator of competence. Don’t hesitate to ask for references or how they handle car accident cases. A confident attorney will happily share their success stories and explain how their strategy benefits your case.

Since you’re undoubtedly suffering financial consequences from the accident, asking about the financial aspect is appropriate. Most car accident attorneys will work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they win your case. Understanding their fee structure and precisely what is or is not expected of you is crucial before hiring an attorney. Lawyers working on a contingency basis give you the peace of mind you need to proceed with your case and know there is no financial risk for you.

Finally, find a local car accident lawyer in Atlanta. A legal professional well-versed in Atlanta’s legal system, Georgia traffic law, and local driving conditions can make all the difference to the outcome of your case.

Benefits of Hiring an Established Law Firm After a Car Accident

After a car accident, victims can expect to navigate a confusing labyrinth of medical, financial, and legal issues. Hiring a legal team at an established law firm can be a godsend. A firm with a wealth of expertise has the knowledge and experience necessary to win your case, as they have undoubtedly won countless similar cases. A team with an in-depth understanding of personal injury law and negotiation tactics will play to your advantage.

Hiring an established firm gives you access to seasoned attorneys who spent many years honing their skills both in and out of the courtroom. This expertise can be the trump card for getting a maximum settlement. Established law firms also possess the resources to conduct investigations and hire expert witnesses on your behalf.

An established firm with an excellent reputation in the community can be a significant advantage when negotiating with insurance companies. Insurers will recognize their commitment and tenacity and present a more favorable settlement from the start. Hiring an established, reputable firm elevates the quality of representation you receive so you can focus on what’s important: your recovery.

Car Accident Legal Help FAQs

Q. How long do you have to file a car accident claim in Georgia?

A. The statute of limitations for filing a car accident claim in Georgia is two years from the date of the accident for personal injuries. For property damage, you have four years from the date of the accident. 

Q. What should you do in the days following a car crash in Atlanta?

A. Your first priority should be your well-being. Seek medical attention even if you don’t think you’re injured. Keep records and receipts of all medical visits and procedures. Document everything crash-related with photos and videos. Gather and keep safe all witness contact information. Notify your insurer about the accident, but don’t make any formal statements without consulting a qualified attorney.

Q. How does Georgia calculate fault in vehicle accidents?

A. Georgia operates under a modified comparative negligence rule. This means fault is calculated by determining each party's share of negligence contributing to the accident. If you're less than 50% at fault for the collision, you can claim damages; however, they will be reduced by your percentage of fault. 

Q. When should you talk to a car accident lawyer?

A. Talk to a car accident lawyer in Atlanta as soon as possible following an accident. A lawyer will protect your rights and critical evidence. 

Q. What damages are available for car accident victims?

A. Car accident victims may be eligible for damages that include medical costs, lost wages, property damage repair costs, and pain and suffering. If egregious conduct was involved, punitive damages might also be awarded. 


Hiring the right Atlanta car accident attorney is a decision that will significantly impact the outcome of your case. Careful consideration of their specialization, diligence, communication style, track record, financial terms, and local knowledge will ensure you hire a skilled professional advocating for your rights.

Get a Free Consultation from Atlanta's Top Car Accident Attorneys - Zdrilich Injury Law Group

Car accidents leave you dealing with injuries, piles of medical bills, and emotional stress. But you don’t have to wrestle with this on your own. Let the dedicated legal experts at Zdrilich Injury Law be the superhero you need right now.

As Atlanta's premier car accident attorneys, we expertly navigate the complexities of auto accident law to secure the best possible outcome for our clients. Everyone deserves top-tier legal representation to protect their rights after an accident.

To demonstrate our commitment, we offer a free, no-obligation consultation. During this session, you'll speak directly with an experienced attorney who will evaluate your case, answer any questions, and outline a winning strategy for maximum restitution.

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Don't let the insurance companies goad you into a quick settlement. Stand strong with Atlanta's top car accident attorneys on your side. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and turn the tide in your favor.

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Joe in the News

By Joseph Zdrilich 24 Apr, 2024
Dealing with the aftermath of a DUI accident can be as traumatic as the incident itself, but it doesn’t need to be. Zdrilich Injury Law provides staunch advocacy for DUI accident victims, helping them understand their rights as a DUI collision survivor, which leads to restorative compensation.  Read on as we share our extensive expertise in Georgia DUI law and how to move forward. Legal Recourse for DUI Accident Injuries If you’re struggling with medical costs, lost wages, and property damage as a DUI victim, know that you have choices. Seeking justice after being hit by a drunk driver requires exploring the legal avenues available to you. DUI accident victim compensation is offered by The Georgia Victims Compensation Program , and taking the guilty party to court is also an option. Some immediate steps to take after a DUI accident include seeking immediate medical treatment, documenting everything, and finding legal aid for DUI injury claims. Why Do Drunk Driving Accidents Lead to More Serious Injuries? Drunk drivers typically have higher-risk behaviors, slower reaction times, reduced coordination, and lack of focus. This reckless behavior sadly leads to higher-impact crashes and more severe injuries for its victims. There can be long-term physical and emotional distress, even after a DUI accident with minor injuries. Is Drunk Driving Considered a Criminal or Civil Case in Georgia? Drunk driving is indeed a criminal offense in Georgia, but this does not remove your option for a civil case. Punishment includes criminal penalties for offenders, while civil suits are about securing compensation. What Kind of Compensation Can I Receive? Compensation should cover medical bills, lost work, and even punitive damages, which are especially meaningful if multiple at-fault drivers were involved in the accident. If the offender was uninsured at the time of the accident or benefitted from sovereign immunity, you need a legal expert to navigate your options successfully. How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit? Suing for compensation as a DUI accident victim should happen as quickly as possible, as there are stringent rules regarding deadlines. Prompt legal consultation is recommended to get the ball rolling within the two-year statute of limitations. Georgia DUI Accident Claims FAQ Q. What is the most common age for drunk driving accidents? A. According to the CDC , 52% of alcohol-related crashes leading to fatalities were caused by drivers aged 21-34 in 2020. Q. What is the punishment for drunk driving in Georgia? A. First-time offenders can face fines, jail time, community service requirements, and a suspended license. Repeated offenses often result in longer jail sentences, hefty fines, and mandatory rehabilitation programs. Q. Can you sue a bar that serves a drunk driver in Georgia? A. Under certain conditions, this is allowed. For example, if the drunk driver was clearly intoxicated when served. This is known as the dram shop liability claim. Conclusion Asserting your legal rights after a DUI accident requires timely action on your part. Meet with an experienced injury attorney to learn your rights and options to seek the compensation you deserve. Get Help from the Legal Experts at Zdrilich Injury Law If you’ve had your life turned upside down after a DUI crash through no fault of your own, we’re here for you. With decades of expertise, the team at Zdrilich Injury Law can explain your financial recovery options as a DUI accident victim. Because every case is unique, we listen, plan, and fight for your rights as a victim. We design tailor-made strategies to win maximum compensation on your behalf. We demystify the process and keep you informed every step of the way so you can concentrate on recovery. With us by your side, a brighter future is within reach. Contact Us Don’t let uncertainty keep you from exercising your legal rights. Contact our compassionate team today for more information or to schedule a private consultation.
By Joseph Zdrilich 15 Mar, 2024
When life hands you a tragic, life-changing injury, it fractures both the body and spirit. Unfortunately, the harm doesn’t end there. Catastrophic injuries shatter your financial viability and any prospects of it ever improving. It’s difficult to know where to turn or what options are available to you and your family.  Zdrilich Injury Law stands at the forefront of the injury compensation battle to provide expert legal guidance. Our years of dedication and compassion for catastrophic injury victims have given us the expertise to secure the restitution you deserve. Read on as we provide more details about the catastrophic injury claim process. Georgia Catastrophic Injuries in the Workplace Workers in Georgia face risks every time they clock in. Despite the state’s stringent safety regulations, catastrophic injuries happen, leaving victims facing a frightening future. The good news is that Georgia law provides victims a protective shield and access to financial, medical, and emotional distress benefits. What Is a Catastrophic Injury? More than a broken limb or temporary physical impairment, catastrophic injuries are life-altering. Examples of these are spinal cord damage, paralysis, severe burns, amputations, brain trauma, and other miscellaneous severe injuries. Catastrophic injuries are defined by their permanence and demand for life-long treatment. What Benefits Are Available for Catastrophic Workplace Injuries? Legal recourse for victims of catastrophic injuries aims to give them back some sense of normalcy. Compensation might include indemnity for lost wages, medical bill coverage, surgeries, psychological counseling, and nursing support for permanent partial disability. Catastrophic Injury FAQ Q. Are catastrophic work compensation benefits permanent? A. According to the State Board of Worker’s Compensation , they can be, which ensures long-term financial support. Q. Who pays for catastrophic injury care? A. Typically, it's companies' insurance providers. Q. What is the maximum payout for a catastrophic injury lawsuit in Georgia? A. It varies from case to case but aims to address your financial upheaval both now and in the future. Q. Is proving negligence challenging? A. Yes, it can be, but it's pivotal for emotional distress compensation and other restitution. Your personal injury attorney can guide you through the process in detail. Conclusion Catastrophic injuries cause more than just physical pain; they also bring financial strain and uncertainty about the future. It's crucial to find an experienced catastrophic injury lawyer to learn about your legal rights and options for compensation under Georgia law. Life After a Catastrophic Injury – Getting the Compensation You Deserve Maximizing compensation for catastrophic injuries is all-important, and you only get one chance to plead your case. Remember, it’s not just about today’s medical bills; it's about securing your financial future. The team at Zdrilich Injury Law has years of experience giving expert legal advice for catastrophic injury compensation. We stand in the gap and fight for your rights, navigating the complex legal landscape so you can focus on recovery. Securing your future after an unexpected tragedy is paramount; it’s also your right. With a Zdrilich ally by your side throughout the process, you’ll find the compassion and support you need for restoration. Contact Us Let us fight for the maximum compensation your case warrants. Contact Zdrilich Injury Law today and turn the tide back in your favor.
By Joseph Zdrilich 22 Feb, 2024
In 2020, Atlanta experienced over 21,000 auto accidents . A good portion of those were hit and run accidents. Leaving the scene of an accident is highly illegal and leaves frustrated victims wondering what to do next. Facing a hit and run incident is traumatic and infuriating, but in Georgia, you're not left without options. Zdrilich Injury Law has years of experience and in-depth knowledge of the state's legal system and can advise you regarding your rights as a victim. Read on as our expert team shows you how to reclaim control after a hit and run incident. Hit and Run Accidents: What Does Georgia State Law Require? Georgia law leaves no room for misinterpretation. If a hit and run accident occurs, all drivers must stop, help any injured parties, exchange information, and notify the police. Not doing so immediately puts you on the wrong side of the law. As for the victims, don’t despair. You have rights that cannot be denied under the law. Penalties for a Hit and Run in Georgia If you flee the scene of an accident in Georgia, you’re not just facing the possibility of hefty fines but also jail time. These are the legal deterrents to protect victims and punish those who act so selfishly. Georgia Hit and Run Options for Financial Recovery There are several ways victims can seek compensation and restitution. Insurance claims are the most common avenue. But when an insurer fails to provide fair restoration, hit and run assistance programs step in. In situations where compensation falls short in a meaningful way, victims can file a lawsuit. The victim will most likely win if compelling proof of guilt, injuries, and damages is provided. Immediate Actions to Take After a Hit and Run The first moments after a hit and run are crucial. Stay at the accident scene and document everything you see around you and every detail about the fleeing vehicle. Call the police immediately and get medical attention for any injuries, keeping a detailed record of everything you do. Finally, call an injury attorney with vast hit and run accident claims experience. With legal guidance and help, you can concentrate on recovery. Diligently pursuing your rights after a hit and run is key to getting the compensation you deserve. Summary Leaving the scene of an accident without fulfilling your obligations under Georgia law can have serious legal repercussions. Legal protections and rights for hit and run victims come into play when the perpetrator fails in these duties. Get Justice After a Hit and Run – Contact Zdrilich Injury Law Living through the aftermath of a hit and run can leave you distressed and angry. You need expert support and guidance to survive the chaos. That’s where the compassionate legal team at Zdrilich Injury Law can be a godsend. We firmly stand for victim’s rights and will dedicate ourselves to justice on your behalf. Every case is our most important case, including yours. Contact Us Don’t let the confusion and uncertainty of a hit and run stop you from getting the restitution you need. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule a private assessment of your case. With our help, you’ll be a victor, not a victim.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are car crash lawyers expensive?

    Personal injury lawyers who represent people injured in car accidents usually work on a contingency fee basis. That means they only get paid a percentage of the verdict they win or the settlement they negotiate on your behalf. You won’t owe them anything until your case is over and you won’t need to pay them out of pocket. 

  • How long do I have to file a car accident claim?

    Georgia has a two-year statute of limitations on personal injury claims. You’ll need to file your car crash lawsuit within two years of your accident. However, it’s nearly always in your best interest to start your case as soon as possible after your accident. Evidence can get lost and memories can get foggy if you let two years pass without taking action. The sooner you speak with an auto accident lawyer the better. 

  • Will I work with Joseph Zdrilich or a staff member?

    Every personal injury client is represented by Joseph Zdrilich. You won’t have your case passed off to an associate attorney or a paralegal. Providing personal attention on each case is important to Zdrilich Injury Law. We are careful to limit our case load to ensure no client ever gets short-changed on the service they receive. 

  • Does every person involved in a car crash need an auto accident lawyer?

    No. If you weren’t injured in an auto accident you likely don’t require the assistance of an attorney. If your injuries are very minor and the insurance company settles your claim for a fair amount you might not need an attorney. 

    However, many people end up settling for a small amount right after their accident and discover later that their claim payment doesn’t come close to covering all their medical costs, property damage and lost wages. 

    It costs you nothing to schedule a free consultation and speak with a Duluth personal injury lawyer. Founding attorney Joseph Zdrilich would be happy to discuss your case and give you an honest assessment of whether or not our Duluth law firm can help you. 

  • Is uninsured motorist coverage worth the higher premiums?

    Yes. Georgia is frequently ranked near the top of the list of states with the highest rate of uninsured drivers. If there are ten cars around you on the road, chances are good at least one of them – and maybe more – are uninsured. If you get into an accident with an uninsured driver, it might not matter who was responsible. If the other driver doesn’t have insurance or the assets to pay for your damages, you might simply be forced to cover most or all of your losses out of pocket. 

    Uninsured and Underinsured motorist coverage can help protect you and your family from the potentially devastating consequences of being involved in an accident with an uninsured driver. 



Zdrilich Injury Law is committed to helping injured Georgians receive the money they need to recover physically and financially after an accident.

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